During the last year I've been involved with the reengineering effort at Homegate. These 15 months have been very intense, full of ups and downs, hard work and awesome colleagues.

I still remember the first days: the team I had in front of me was having a hard time trusting each other and people seemed not very close to each other. While there were some hints of best practices, there was a need for a lead to set the direction and ignite the engine of self-improvement. That's where I decided to make an impact.

A year later here I am collecting advice on how to make your teams more effective and how to introduce new ideas successfully. Transforming teams into the better version of themselves, make people grow professionally and personally is such an inspiring job!

And although I have decided to move on to new challenges outside of Homegate, I want to continue working on improving teams in the future.

Growing the full potential of a team

I came to Homegate after the shutdown of siroop, where I learned that yes, it is possible to apply great engineering practices and build very strong platforms through that. And that it's incredibly fun!

But how could I bring those experiences over to Homegate and get a very different organization to reap the same benefits that I observed before?

Here are some tips that come from my direct experience with this problem.

Listen to the team

The people in the team are the first to know what the pain points are. They might even know the solution to the problem, but not how to push it forward. Or they might need ideas on how to tackle it. Either way, this is the best place to start because you already have buy-in from the team. And once they see the results, they'll trust in your other ideas a little more, even if they look completely crazy.

Create the mechanisms for change in the team

The team itself needs to be in control of their change process. This means that if they're not already in place, it's up to you to try to introduce mechanisms where the team can discuss issues and agree on solutions together.

At Homegate there was already a good retrospective in place, which became the best place to point out things that could be done differently to achieve better results.

Work with the people

Change is never introduced successfully through force. Any practice that is mandated from above will be resisted, no matter how good it is. If you want to bring lasting change, you need to get the people on board. You can give some inputs to push them a little out of their comfort zone, ultimately the team has to want to do the experiment and see.

People on the team are your most important asset and you must never lose sight of that: ultimately efficiency of processes doesn't matter if the people are unhappy.

Take little steps

If you are fortunate enough that the team gives you credit, it is your responsibility not to abuse it. Stepping out of the comfort zone is necessary to grow and learn, but you can't go too far out. Identify the area you want to improve, challenge some limits in a small but meaningful way, give it time to sink in, rinse and repeat.

Each team and company is unique

It doesn't matter how well something worked in a different team at a different company: you have to adapt everything to your current situation. What worked previously might not work here. To quote Kent Beck:

I can't teach you to be more like Facebook, I can teach you to be like YOU at your best.

For example pair programming worked great at siroop. It also worked at Homegate, although we used it differently. What if you find yourself in a remote company with team members distributed across time zones? It probably won't work as good: while it is feasible, it loses some of the advantages of pairing and a lot of the advantages of remote work. In that context, you might want to try something else to reach the same goals.

Tackle the big problems first

It's a good idea to spend a little time to identify what are the biggest factors that hold the team back, and then start working on those. Much like performance work in computer programs, the biggest opportunities are behind the biggest problems, and they usually require a limited amount of effort to already improve the situation.

For example when I started I noticed that work tended to stay for weeks on a branch before being merged. So I start to show how you could slice work into smaller chunks, point out opportunities to split the pull requests and generally transmit the benefits of having small, readable pull requests.

After some time the changes started to become smaller and faster to be merged, which dramatically reduced the amount of big merges that caused so many problems and slowdowns. And people were happier about that too!

Keep the bus factor high

When introducing new ideas to the team you might have to lead by example and be the first to do it. This is not enough. Once you have solved a problem, you not only have to show the team the how and why, but you have to ensure they are able to do it too.

Be patient

Changing people's habits takes time. I spent 6 months before we reached Continuous Delivery without any manual step. It took close to a year to get people to try not having code reviews when code was developed by a pair.

Be patient, give everyone the appropriate time to get used to new concepts, and keep doing small steps whenever the time is ripe. Slow but steady always wins.

How do high performing teams look like?

One year later, how can we tell if the efforts paid off?

There are many metrics that one could look at, but all of them are imperfect. So instead of trying to find the perfect measures, I'll point out the aspects that make me particularly proud to be part of the team and to have helped to get there.

Everybody understands most of the project
Even though there are varying levels of expertise among the people which tends to naturally make more experienced people as the knowledge holders, most of the team understands the pieces that make up the project, what tools or processes we have in place and why.
Deployments are non-events
We deploy multiple times a day straight to production, and we never have to worry about introducing big errors. Our testing strategy, our delivery pipeline and our monitoring systems are reliable and have saved us from trouble numerous times before. Therefore, the team trusts its system, and will proactively work to improve it in case something unexpected passes the checks.
Decisions are a shared responsibility by the team
The team decides its own fate and takes care of all the decisions that are needed. This also means that everybody is aware of the ongoing discussion points and what might come next. Nobody needs to "shield" the team from external pressure because the team is mature enough to handle it.
The infrastructure supports other teams too
The infrastructure built by the team allows other teams to get started quicker and build on top of what was done. The benefits go beyond the single team, but spread into the whole organization.
The reported bugs are minor
Most of the reported bugs are either missing features, edge cases or minor problems. The number of critical problems that require immediate intervention are stuck at zero.
No overtime required - ever!
Our system is designed so that errors are unlikely and recovery is quick and painless. This means that nobody has to do overtime to solve an unexpected bug in production, because the easiest fix is to revert and have a look at it the following day.
People are better at what they do
The growth in the single people is definitely noticeable. Not just on the technical side, but also in the way of collaboration with others.

This is a team I am proud to be a member of.

Additional Reading

If you found this article interesting you might want to check out the following resources: